Norwegian by Night

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22 сентября
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Paperback. Pages: 304 Language: English Publisher: Faber and Faber He will not admit it to Rhea and Lars — never. of course not — but Sheldon cant help but wonder what it is hes doing here.Eighty-two years old. and recently widowed. Sheldon Horowitz has grudgingly moved to Oslo. with his grand-daughter and her Norwegian husband An ex-Marine. he talks often to the ghosts of his past the friends he lost in the Pacific and the son who followed him into the US Army. and to his death in Vietnam.When Sheldon witnesses the murder of a woman in his apartment complex. he rescues her six-year-old son and decides to run. Pursued by both the Balkan gang responsible for the murder. and the Norwegian police. he has to rely on training from over half a century before to try and keep the boy safe. Against a strange and foreign landscape. this unlikely couple. who cant speak the same lang...

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