С самого начала человеческой истории люди разных культур и систем верований смотрели в небо в поисках смысла. Движение небесных тел и их связь с нашими человеческими жизнями были центральным объектом астрологии на протяжении тысячелетий. Эта практика внушила благоговение и поклонение, а также углубила наше понимание самих себя и окружающего мира. Хотя современные гороскопы могут быть наиболее распространенной формой астрологических знаний, их происхождение восходит к древней Месопотамии. Как рассказывает автор Андреа Ричардс в «Астрологии», втором томе серии «Библиотека Эзотерики» TASCHEN, астрономия и астрология когда-то были родственными науками: Королевская палата Великой пирамиды в Гизе была построена так, чтобы соответствовать созвездиям, персидские ученые наблюдали за некоторыми из первых обсерваторий, и даже Галилей составлял гороскопы для Медичи. Но с эпохой Просвещения и рождением точной науки эта практика переместилась туда, где тайна все еще была разрешена, вдохновляя литературу, искусство и психологию и оказывая влияние на таких художников и мыслителей, как Гёте, Байрон и Блейк. Более поздние движения, такие как теософы и сторонники Нью Эйдж, сделали эту практику мейнстримом.
From the beginning of human history, individuals across cultures and belief systems have looked to the sky for meaning. The movement of celestial bodies and their relation to our human lives has been the central tenant of astrology for thousands of years. The practice has both inspired reverence and worship, and deepened our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. While modern-day horoscopes may be the most familiar form of astrological knowledge, their lineage reaches back to ancient Mesopotamia. As author Andrea Richards recounts in Astrology, the second volume in TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica series, astronomy and astrology were once sister sciences: the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid at Giza was built to align with constellations, Persian scholars oversaw some of the first observatories, and even Galileo cast horoscopes for the Medicis. But with the Enlightenment and the birth of exact science, the practice moved to places where mystery was still permitted, inspiring literature, art, and psychology, and influenced artists and thinkers such as Goethe, Byron, and Blake. Later movements like the Theosophists and the New Agers, would thrust the practice into the mainstream.
From the beginning of human history, individuals across cultures and belief systems have looked to the sky for meaning. The movement of celestial bodies and their relation to our human lives has been the central tenant of astrology for thousands of years. The practice has both inspired reverence and worship, and deepened our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. While modern-day horoscopes may be the most familiar form of astrological knowledge, their lineage reaches back to ancient Mesopotamia. As author Andrea Richards recounts in Astrology, the second volume in TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica series, astronomy and astrology were once sister sciences: the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid at Giza was built to align with constellations, Persian scholars oversaw some of the first observatories, and even Galileo cast horoscopes for the Medicis. But with the Enlightenment and the birth of exact science, the practice moved to places where mystery was still permitted, inspiring literature, art, and psychology, and influenced artists and thinkers such as Goethe, Byron, and Blake. Later movements like the Theosophists and the New Agers, would thrust the practice into the mainstream.
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