Эрнст Геккель (1834–1919) был родившимся в Германии биологом, натуралистом, эволюционистом, художником, философом и врачом, который посвятил свою жизнь исследованию флоры и фауны от самых высоких горных вершин до глубочайшего океана. Яростный сторонник и разработчик дарвиновских теорий эволюции, он осуждал религиозные догмы, отказался от ранней карьеры в медицине, написал философские трактаты, получил докторскую степень по зоологии и придумал научные термины, которые вошли в обиход, включая экологию, тип и стволовые клетки. Колоссальное наследие Геккеля очаровывало, сбивало с толку и поляризовало поколения. Но что было в основе его выдающейся работы в жизни? Подобно своему интеллектуальному предшественнику Александру фон Гумбольдту, Геккель был заинтересован не только в открытиях, но и в объяснении. Для этого он создал сотни подробных рисунков, акварелей и зарисовок своих находок, которые опубликовал в последовательных томах в течение 20-го века, включая несколько коллекций морских организмов и величественную «Kunstformen der Natur» («Формы искусства в природе»), которые могли бы послужить как краеугольный камень всего жизненного проекта Геккеля.
Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) was a German-born biologist, naturalist, evolutionist, artist, philosopher, and doctor, who spent his life researching flora and fauna from the highest mountaintops to deepest ocean. A vociferous supporter and developer of Darwin's theories of evolution, he denounced religious dogma, abandoned an early career in medicine, authored philosophical treatises, gained a doctorate in zoology, and coined scientific terms which have passed into common usage, including ecology, phylum, and stem cell.Haeckel's colossal legacy has fascinated, confounded, and polarized generations. But what was at the heart of his extraordinary life's work? Rather like his intellectual forebear, Alexander von Humboldt, Haeckel was motivated not only to discover but also to explain. To do this, he created hundreds of detailed drawings, watercolors, and sketches of his findings which he published in successive volumes during the 20th century, including several marine organism collections and the majestic Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms in Nature), which could serve as the cornerstone of Haeckel's entire life project.
Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) was a German-born biologist, naturalist, evolutionist, artist, philosopher, and doctor, who spent his life researching flora and fauna from the highest mountaintops to deepest ocean. A vociferous supporter and developer of Darwin's theories of evolution, he denounced religious dogma, abandoned an early career in medicine, authored philosophical treatises, gained a doctorate in zoology, and coined scientific terms which have passed into common usage, including ecology, phylum, and stem cell.Haeckel's colossal legacy has fascinated, confounded, and polarized generations. But what was at the heart of his extraordinary life's work? Rather like his intellectual forebear, Alexander von Humboldt, Haeckel was motivated not only to discover but also to explain. To do this, he created hundreds of detailed drawings, watercolors, and sketches of his findings which he published in successive volumes during the 20th century, including several marine organism collections and the majestic Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms in Nature), which could serve as the cornerstone of Haeckel's entire life project.
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